Page name: Giffie-Pet Store [Logged in view] [RSS]
2016-02-13 21:47:18
Last author: tomsawyer8648
Owner: Bookwyrm
# of watchers: 265
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Welcome, Elfpacker, to the Giffie-Pet store!
We have fuzzy-wuzzies and creepy-crawlies galore--
Pets that crawl and some that soar!
This is a special place filled with magic and lore,
All bets are off when you walk through our door!
So come on in and have a look around,
You can even adopt from our Giffie-Pet Pound.
Just keep in mind that you can only choose one!
Make your choice wisely and when you're all done,
You'll have a special friend to show off to everyone!

Custom Poetry by [Deg]! Thanks to her!



This is the place to get your very own Giffie-Pet. You need to choose carefully as you can only have one to begin with! Think about the name you want to give it as it can't be changed without a Name Change Token from the Tog Shop.

If you don't see any here that you like, you might want to check the Giffie-Pet Pound as well, or wait for the next batch of pets to come from the Normal Pet Storehouse.

When you have chosen the pet you want, edit this page using the 'ADV EDIT' button to add your username link (your username in the [] tags) below the pet you'd like to adopt. Don't forget to add the name you want to give it.

Do not edit anything else! If a pet isn't in stock, you can't request it. If you are unsure about editing the wiki, make your request in the comment box.



Himalayan Cat

Siamese Cat

Basset Hound

Cute Red Fox
1) [lulu dinobot] Todd.
2) [AdamTheChespin] Tommy.

Grey Rat

Leopard Gecko

Milk Snake

Green Parakeet




Round Hermit Crab

Monarch Butterfly
1)[Hollylocks] ChickenPie


Killer Rabbit



Please be sure you have read Owning a Giffie-Pet before asking how to do something! If you still need help join the forum at <joinforum:195:pets> (Giffie-Pet Chat and Question Area)

The Giffie-Pet Staff are willing to answer your questions in the comments or forum if you need to know something that isn't covered in the wiki.



Store Update!

We're back open for business! Enjoy.


Giffie-Pet StoreGiffie-Pet PoundUnique Giffie-PetsOwning A Giffie-PetGiffie-Pet StaffGiffie Help

Username (or number or email):


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2007-03-07 [phoenixborn]: You can keep your tools and your soldier. Gimme a .60 calibre sniper rifle and a rooftop and i'll have him :P

2007-03-07 [Bookwyrm]: -grabs David by his shirt- You even attempt to shoot my Scott and I'll show you what I can do with a .60 calibre sniper rifle and why it should never be inserted into any part of the human body.

2007-03-07 [phoenixborn]: Ahh Andy I meant Andy dammit!

2007-03-07 [Bookwyrm]: XD Oh. Well. Carry on then. -laughs-

2007-03-07 [phoenixborn]: But but *sniffles* You hurted me now T__T

2007-03-07 [Andy8178]: Hahaha... She was going to Skewer you :P

2007-03-08 [Bookwyrm]: -pets David and gives him a big chunk of fudge- Forgive me?

2007-03-08 [phoenixborn]: Always, with or without fudge <3 But i'll still take the fudge though ^__^

2007-03-08 [Bookwyrm]: :D I knew you would. Fudge is too good to pass up.

2007-03-08 [phoenixborn]: Hell yes ^__^ Heh fudge is the very basis of our relationship :P Actually I believe insulting you followed by deliberate rule-breaking was the basis of our relationship. But you know, fudge followed soon after :P

2007-03-08 [Bookwyrm]: -nods- Precisely. Fudge makes all things better.

2007-03-08 [Andy8178]: David... Is MINE!! Bwahahahaha *feels a thundercloud brew atop*

2007-03-08 [Bookwyrm]: -kicks Andy in the shin- :)

2007-03-08 [Andy8178]: David... Attack Traci.

2007-03-08 [Bookwyrm]: -nose twitches- David's gone.

2007-03-08 [Andy8178]: hehe damn.

2007-03-08 [phoenixborn]: Attack Traci?? Okay then *picks Traci up and runs back into dungeon. This is me attacking her, I swear! *welds door shut*

2007-03-08 [Andy8178]: Rofl David

2007-03-08 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: so how is every one

2007-03-08 [Andy8178]: ...

2007-03-08 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: *hugs every one*

2007-03-08 [Bookwyrm]: -pokes David in the forehead- Put me down you psycho!

2007-03-09 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *breaks through the door* Leave milady alone! *sits there in a heroic pose*

2007-03-09 [Bookwyrm]: :D My hero!! XD

2007-03-09 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: O.o

2007-03-09 [Andy8178]: David is gone forever :'(

2007-03-09 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: no hes not

2007-03-09 [Andy8178]: Read his house.

2007-03-09 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: omg he cant leave

2007-03-09 [Andy8178]: He is.

2007-03-09 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: this is not fair i will forget who he is when he comes back

2007-03-09 [Bookwyrm]: He didn't have a choice...

2007-03-09 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: did he get banned

2007-03-09 [Ihsahn]: No.... He would have an ss comment if he did get banned, as well as a comment next to his user name stating he was banned...

2007-03-09 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: ok ok thnx

2007-03-11 [Enneigard Rebirth]: where did david go?

2007-03-11 [Andy8178]: It's not my place to say exactly why, but he has no internet and he won't have it for awhile.

2007-03-11 [Enneigard Rebirth]: ....who's david?

2007-03-11 [Andy8178]: [phoenixborn]

2007-03-12 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: oh i see

2007-03-12 [Andy8178]: Yes.

2007-03-12 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: so how are u andy

2007-03-13 [zoloftzantac]: oh, oh, google says I should buys an urn for my giffie! :p


2007-03-13 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: oh i see

2007-03-13 [Andy8178]: rofl.

2007-03-14 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: so now what

2007-03-14 [kittykittykitty]: Now what what? o.o

2007-03-15 [Enneigard Rebirth]: ROFL COPTER!!!!

2007-03-15 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: meow

2007-03-15 [Bookwyrm]: -sneaks in...steals pets...locks everyone else in...commits arson-

2007-03-15 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: *Purrs*

2007-03-15 [you had me at hell no]: *I NEED A PET I'D LIKE TO HAVE A DOG HOW???*

2007-03-15 [Andy8178]: It's easy.... You get a pet.... BY READING!

2007-03-15 [Shaneyphoo]: may i please have a rat


2007-03-15 [Andy8178]: Read the directions, that's not following the directions... Jesus! It's not that hard... I must be surrounded by idiots.

2007-03-15 [kittykittykitty]: Yep, the big text towards the top of the page. We can't make it any easier than that...

[you had me at hell no] if you want a dog you'll have to wait until one comes into stock, as there are none available right now. [Shaneyphoo], the Rats are out of stock anyway, as the only one available has been taken.

Please read Owning a Giffie-Pet if you are still unclear of the rules and procedures.

2007-03-15 [Bookwyrm]: Wow...well at least one understood...-adds [Shaneyphoo]-

2007-03-15 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: yea

2007-03-16 [Enneigard Rebirth]: i remember when i was like that...i was all like...."kan i hav a p3t plzzzz i wanna shark namd shadowfax"

2007-03-16 [Enneigard Rebirth]: and now im like: "may i have the Blue Gron, i shall name it....Enneigard Sin!" and "I will name my killer rabbit Suigre." my poor suigre died. i kept forgetting to feed him.

2007-03-18 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: wow thats sad

2007-03-18 [Enneigard Rebirth]: i know, so i bought a new pet....for free!

2007-03-19 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: kool

2007-03-21 [Enneigard Rebirth]: heheheheheh....

2007-03-21 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: meow

2007-03-21 [kittykittykitty]: *mews*

2007-03-22 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: Purrs

2007-03-22 [Andy8178]: *barks*

2007-03-22 [Bookwyrm]: -cracks whip-

Oh wait...wrong place...^^'

2007-03-22 [Enneigard Rebirth]: LOL!

2007-03-22 [Andy8178]: *snags Traci's whip and cracks it* Rawr!

2007-03-22 [Bookwyrm]: -chops off Andy's head and removes her whip from his cold dead fingers- Don't mess with my stuff, bitch. :P

2007-03-23 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *hugs traci* your so alternative! its awesome!

2007-03-23 [Nytefox]: (cocks head to the side)... is that supposedto mean something?

2007-03-23 [Bookwyrm]: -pokes [Nytefox]'s comment- Yeah...what they said...

2007-03-23 [Nytefox]: I'm sorry... I'm kinda slow today... pain killers do that... >.<

2007-03-23 [Nytefox]: woah... I realize I havent even been on here for a long time... this is scary... how's everyone doing?

2007-03-23 [Enneigard Rebirth]: good...i guess....*is hurt by the negative comments on my comment*

2007-03-23 [Nytefox]: ...uh... at least your not shotted, stomped, spiked, ran over and stabbed...

2007-03-23 [Andy8178]: lol Silly girl. You can't kill me :P

2007-03-24 [Bookwyrm]: You're not dead. Your fingers are. Silly boy.

2007-03-26 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: theres alot of fun going on in here and i am good thnx

2007-03-26 [Andy8178]: what?... Where did that come from?

2007-03-26 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: i read the whole thing

2007-03-26 [Andy8178]: So did I... Still don't know where that came from rofl

2007-03-26 [Enneigard Rebirth]: ......

2007-03-27 [kittykittykitty]: She has a penchant for unrelated comments, hmm? XD

2007-03-27 [Nytefox]: apperently... at least I jumped in the convo somewhere after being dead for a while!

2007-03-27 [FireGypsy]: *spontaneousey combusts*

2007-03-27 [Andy8178]: yeah... because you would combust Sasha :P *giggles*

2007-03-27 [FireGypsy]: *snickers*

2007-03-27 [kittykittykitty]: Mmmmmmm Snickers..... *eats*

2007-03-27 [Andy8178]: Mmm... Kitty *eats*


2007-03-27 [Nytefox]: ...sure you didnt... (rolls eyes)

2007-03-28 [kittykittykitty]: <img:dand-gif.gif>

2007-03-28 [Andy8178]: Rofl

2007-03-28 [Nytefox]: (eats a REAL snickers) The bigger ones are the better ones... at least I think so ^^

2007-03-28 [Andy8178]: Mhm.... :/

2007-03-28 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: snickers is awsome

2007-03-28 [Andy8178]: yep...

2007-03-29 [Nytefox]: Indeed they are... and they have so many uses besides eating and satisfying your hunger!

2007-03-29 [Enneigard Rebirth]: meh.

2007-03-29 [zoloftzantac]: bum, ba-dum ba-dum ba-dum ba-dum bum-bum

2007-03-29 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: that is true

2007-03-29 [Enneigard Rebirth]: meh bum ba bum.

2007-03-29 [Andy8178]: Blah!

2007-03-29 [kittykittykitty]: What other uses do they have? :S Is this conversation not too inappropriate for this wiki? >.>

2007-03-29 [Bookwyrm]: Is there any reason this conversation couldn't be held elsewhere? It's not a huge deal...but honestly...

2007-03-30 [Enneigard Rebirth]: ....killing in the name of! *plays guitar riff*

2007-03-30 [Nytefox]: Guitar hero [ii] = forth love
(behind video games, DDR and hott video game characters)

2007-03-30 [Enneigard Rebirth]: ♪ some of those who wear forces, are the same that burn crosses ♪

2007-03-30 [zoloftzantac]:
And now you do what they told ya
now you're under control

2007-03-30 [Andy8178]: Which conversation..?

2007-03-30 [Nytefox]: ... "It's a MAD HOUSE!!"

2007-03-31 [Enneigard Rebirth]: ♪ Those who died are justified, for wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites ♪

2007-03-31 [Andy8178]: Hehe, what?

2007-03-31 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: kool

2007-04-01 [zoloftzantac]: F*** you, I won't do what you tell me!!

Don't want to offend the giffies, you know? ;)

2007-04-01 [Enneigard Rebirth]: ♪ mother f**ker!!!!! uah!!!!!! ♪*plays the guitar thing in the back*

2007-04-01 [Bookwyrm]: Staff Note: Restock needed. :)

2007-04-01 [kittykittykitty]: Looks like nobody lubbs those Jellyfish (I think they are awesome :P ). I'll get onto it ^_^

2007-04-01 [kittykittykitty]: Ouchies! The Jellyfish ganged up on me and bit me while I was restocking... and one of them escaped :S

2007-04-01 [Bookwyrm]: Yay! Thank you Kitty! ^_^ Sorry you got stung though! -gives lollipop-

2007-04-01 [Enneigard Rebirth]: I CAUGHT IT!!!! *twitch* WHE*twitch*RE DO IT PUT *twitch* IT?!? *twitch*

2007-04-01 [Bookwyrm]: -pokes- That's not a jellyfish...that's an exposed electrical cord. =O Weirdo.

2007-04-01 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *sniffs, and then hugs [Bookwyrm] slightly shocking her with overstimulated static electricity* BUT I tried so HArd!!! why xant i do anything →RIGHT→?

2007-04-01 [Bookwyrm]: -giggles- That tickled. ^__^ It's okay!! -gives muffin basket- I still lurf you. Maybe we can get you a faster but less, erm, painful pet to catch and bring back...-releases a hamster- Hurry?

2007-04-01 [Enneigard Rebirth]: AAAAAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!! *maniacally chases hampster around* Gimmehgimmehgimmeh!!!! *chases it around in revolving wheel ultimately not going anywhere*

2007-04-01 [zoloftzantac]: watch out kitty, sea jellies are carnivorous you know :S

2007-04-01 [Enneigard Rebirth]: "the medication man by the name of z
adeptly warns the beautiful kitty
that the mushy marine animal eats meat
and it will oppose anyone's unknowing feat."

2007-04-01 [Bookwyrm]: -drags a big bowl of food and a water dispenser toward Enneigard and quietly backs away- ^_^

2007-04-01 [Enneigard Rebirth]: FOOOOD! *glomps away*

2007-04-02 [Andy8178]: You guys are lame :P

2007-04-02 [Bookwyrm]: Don't make fun of my cool deficiency you jerk! -grumps-

2007-04-02 [Andy8178]: *mocks Traci* -grumps-

2007-04-02 [Bookwyrm]: -grumps better than Andy does-

2007-04-02 [Fenris]: can i have a fire bellied newt?

2007-04-02 [zoloftzantac]: Please read the words on this page, it tells you what you need to do to get a pet.

2007-04-02 [Andy8178]: Can I have a SUPER fire bellied newt?... I don't like any of the unique pets :P

2007-04-02 [Enneigard Rebirth]: can i have a void as a pet? i want its name to be "    ".

2007-04-02 [Bookwyrm]: -stamps both inquirer's heads with a big red "NO!" stamp and walks back into her office-

2007-04-02 [Enneigard Rebirth]: milady come back! *runs into her office*

2007-04-03 [Bookwyrm]: -had locked her office door to keep Enneigard out-

2007-04-03 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *yells* i suggest you put garlic around the doors to prevent me from...what you people say....slipping in.

2007-04-03 [Bookwyrm]: Or how about I just post a large, muscly, black-hooded man with a bloody axe at my door to guard it. Would that work?

2007-04-03 [Eyes of the Reaper]: I'll guard it!!! ^-^ *jumps around happily*

2007-04-03 [Bookwyrm]: You're a large, muscly, black-hooded man with a bloody axe? o.O

2007-04-03 [Eyes of the Reaper]: Large...yes. Black-hooded...could be. Man...lemme, think not. Bloody axe... be right back. I have a brother who needs killing. -.o'

2007-04-03 [Enneigard Rebirth]: can i guard your door too? the more the better.

2007-04-03 [Bookwyrm]: :D You're hired! Enneigard...I'm guarding against you. So...sure why not. XD

2007-04-03 [Enneigard Rebirth]: yes, because if i was guarding your door from myself, it wouldnt require much effort, and if im busy guarding the door, i wouldnt be able to try and enter it, now would i? *whispers this through the door*

2007-04-03 [zoloftzantac]: oh, that is a great idea! Oh! Maybe I can get a job at the bank guarding the money from myself :)

I wouldn't even have to go there, I could do that job from home :D

2007-04-03 [Bookwyrm]: XD I must be losing my mind. For some reason, this is making me laugh like a madwoman. -unlocks door-

2007-04-03 [Eyes of the Reaper]: lol YAY! ^-^

2007-04-04 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *stands there guarding door*

2007-04-05 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: i'm bored

2007-04-05 [Enneigard Rebirth]: i am too...

2007-04-05 [Andy8178]: lol

2007-04-06 [zoloftzantac]: if you're bored then you're boring ;)

2007-04-06 [Enneigard Rebirth]: "how surprising it was, every one was bored
a poor little pet wiki deterred, lost and in discord
then the medication man by the name of z
said i was boring....but how could that be?"

2007-04-07 [Andy8178]: True that =]

2007-04-07 [Enneigard Rebirth]: yep. i love being alll naturael. i seems fun to make random, annoying poems....are they really annoying or good?

2007-04-08 [Andy8178]: lol Random :P

2007-04-09 [Enneigard Rebirth]: heheheh

2007-04-10 [zoloftzantac]: ÿDJ‚*Œx*ƒXdP\u!„KS”,¬\gj"vR[o*}[#dÑTêh*ty2‡Ž=œc+m9Žp2|´TÆÄ^ØÒlæÔsçi{Ž(

2007-04-10 [Andy8178]: There goes ZZ in his made up language... Did you get your idea off that guy in Miami Ink? :P

2007-04-10 [kittykittykitty]: ôÜ├╠21↑2‗☺■û3♥▲"634"3bèj6Í╝Ü0IYBSN71)iYµ3♣:j4¤¤5W4j3▓3▓34"31 32 3 32áC2á15ã21§♣┴┴ã♦4!0

2007-04-10 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: ok interesting dont know what your saying but very interesting

2007-04-11 [Andy8178]: Kitty.

2007-04-11 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: so how is every one

2007-04-11 [zoloftzantac]: [kittykittykitty]: ♥♥♥! (‚Ÿ šôäÀ”頝*õ¥U«… ö¼´È« ¯O‚Æ–¨·Ù ͪ®]»ßî Ù£§ß˜@¸p á¦ðÓ …ãÇ €òäÇ Ž‡hÞ<¤ ;)

2007-04-11 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: so how bout them demons

2007-04-11 [Andy8178]: lol

2007-04-11 [Jaaakeeee.]: i want a pet!

2007-04-12 [Andy8178]: *gives [Jaaakeeee.] a pet!* Yay! =)

2007-04-12 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: now what

2007-04-12 [Andy8178]: No idea.

2007-04-12 [Enneigard Rebirth]: ºĩľőŐĹģûüÿĩĽőŏĠöãéăĬŀľĻĤüëąıřŨĹģüþĪĿŦŠĵčûþĔŏšŌĶĎüĒĨŐţōĸģβŐŒŧǙ5[Êėŧśör""""£îéª&ò®W2222ËćÔ¬|¥¥¥áŅǜφǑłńńŘΖКҮװאئ٠ی٫ـل۲ấấ

2007-04-12 [Enneigard Rebirth]: i love speaking charmap.

2007-04-12 [Andy8178]: *is confused on whether [Enneigard Rebirth] is a girl or a guy* :P Yes I can read French, and I'm hoping you're that amazing looking gorgeous girl ;)

2007-04-13 [Enneigard Rebirth]: heheheh....good for you....

2007-04-13 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: 0.o

2007-04-13 [Enneigard Rebirth]: indeed.

2007-04-13 [zoloftzantac]: *is confused on whether [Enneigard Rebirth] is a girl or a guy*

heh, I guess I don't care, I'd do [Enneigard Rebirth] either way ;)

2007-04-13 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: 0.o

2007-04-14 [Enneigard Rebirth]: i need to go do something...

2007-04-14 [zoloftzantac]: why not? we're all just virtual internet people to each other anyways, so why can't I fantasize that [Enneigard Rebirth] is an alien superpredator who wants me for weird corpse abuse :D

2007-04-15 [Enneigard Rebirth]: shhhh....dont be telling everyone about me....

2007-04-16 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: 0.o

2007-04-16 [Andy8178]: *wants to be corpse abused!!!*

2007-04-16 [VentunoVirus]: Mother of god.

2007-04-16 [kittykittykitty]: Yoou guys are too kinky D: Think of the pets! Cover their earses!

2007-04-17 [Andy8178]: lol shush kitty porn :P

2007-04-17 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *rends sexy skin off and shows true alien superpredator self*Welcome potential scaks, to the ampitheatre of horror. *smiles dementedly*

2007-04-17 [Andy8178]: :O WOW! *whistles*

2007-04-17 [zoloftzantac]: *watches the superpredator scak all over andy* whoa ... I thiough that was gonna be cool, but it was like a train wreck, a horrable disaster that you just can't take your eyes off of *throws up into his mouth a little and becomes oddly turned on*

2007-04-17 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: 0.o

2007-04-17 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *grabs andy by the groin and slams him violently against a bed of nails while his sexual organs become impaled and tear off* heheheheh this is very entertaining.......

2007-04-17 [Andy8178]: Okay, okay, too far, watch the language that you create sexy alien stalker :P

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